Wednesday, December 13, 2006

suddenly 50

yup that's me. i will be fifty this coming new year's eve. i have been getting the symptoms. eg : memory gaps, white hair, sluggishness, empty pockets(does that count?), inability to perform(not what your thinking) and losing the energy to do anything arduous. but to heck, i am enjoying it. i have covered all the tracks. the most difficult and trying times? i had it. happiest moment? got plenty. it was a learning experience. all the fifty years of existence. everyday is another day. i can say that i have all the life's triumphs. i encountered some downfall but i welcome the challenge and alas! i survived.

this won't have been possible if not for the grace of God. inspite of everything, i am thankful for all the blessing showered upon me and all the answered prayers. to my parents, my heartfelt gratitude for giving me life. to my brothers, those growing up years with you was a riot. i wouldn't exchange it for anything.

a great love and true friends are two of life's most precious gifts - and i have been twice blessed for i have had both.

tatay- my greatest love, husband, partner, friend and father of my kids.
to my 4k's - my jewels and my friends.
to my favorite pamangkins - you know who you are. you are such a joy to me.
to my batchmates (high school and college) - i am glad you are my friends
to my childhood friends - our coffee chats add more fuel to our closeness. kelan tayo labas uli?
sa mga ka cf -loyse, lorns, raine, sig, charmaine, cheri, vivian and everyone. let us
give a new meaning to friendship. being friends sight unseen.
to migs and dayds - for allowing me to have more kids. you inspire me.
to mickay - for being there always.
to gina - for being my sister and friend.
and to girard - for coming into my life in the most perfect time.

maraming salamat sa inyong lahat. i love you.

random thoughts

it has been a while again. suddenly its almost the end of the year. in this instance, i would like to reflect on how the years swiftly gone by. on the 22nd will be my silver wedding anniversary. i don't know where the times went, but i am sure that i am in a happy place. thanks lord, for my husband, my kids, my friends and all the answered prayers. please allow us to have 25 years more.

happy anniversary tatay. it has been a roller coaster ride with you, but i don't regret anything. maybe one thing - that you are not here to celebrate it with us. anyway, we always keep the telephone lines burning and your absence doesn't diminish what i feel for you. i love you heaps and i know and secured with your love. here's to another record in the books - we are still growing strong. i hope and pray for us to have good health so we could still enjoy exploring whatever possiblilities we have in the world. take care and trust that you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. . . . . .

after seven years we are going to spend christmas in tarlac again. i miss the spirit it invokes. tarlaquenos do it in their own fashion. bountiful food, loud and boisterous merry making, visiting relatives and keeping up with what's new in our respective lives. it sounds normal and the same wherever you are - but no. we do it with the heart. its true and its pure. that's what i am missing these past christmases. i am so excited and looking forward to spend it with my cabalens.

i am anticipating to see old and new friends when we will stay in manila en route to tarlac. i missed a lot of them and i am hoping to play catch up also. i want to enjoy this opportunity and planning to paint the town red. that is if my asthma will downplay its occurence. hahaha. basta just want to have fun. . . . . . .

these past few weeks, i've been busy practicing our dance presentation for our high school grand alumni homecoming. the theme for this year is neo-ethnic and i am kicking my ass off doing the fast and intricate steps. boy, you could hear our muscles and bones groaning and its always difficult to move after the practice. why am i complaining? did i mention that i belong to batch '72? go figure how old we are. we are hoping to win this year. i've learned that our batch won four years in a row plenty of years ago. they stop participating when they won 2nd place in the year 2000. my batchmates claimed that the results were botched so they lost interest attending after that. so after 6 years here we are again.

i miss doing this. i mean dropping lines here in my blogsite. wish i will have the time and inspiration to share and write everyday. happy holidays everyone. . . . .