Sunday, May 14, 2006

being a mother

14 may 2006

it's mother's day! to all the mothers in the world, let us celebrate us.

my kids biological or not, calls me nanay. i like it. it sounds old fashion but it has a nice ring to it. when my kids were little, even my husband calls me nanay and i call him tatay. the kids always say what they hear, hence the example. up to this time, me and my better half still call each other nanay and tatay. not the usual term of endearment of honey, sweet, darling or babes. when i was angry or not in the mood, i call him leo and when he feels the same he calls me daisy, which doesn't happen often.

i believe in the phenomenon that kids are closer to their mothers because they were joined when they were still in the womb by the umbilical cord. that's what i observed when my kids come home. although their father is the first one they see, they always ask "saan si nanay tay"?

it is also the mother who suffers most when a child faces a problem or in a dilemna. whereas a father can be pragmatic and sometimes treat the situation with nonchalance, a mother tends to be emotional and hysterical. if a certain occasion arise that needs a solution, i always pray first that God will give me strength and the right frame of mind to face the challenge head on. although im not a religious person, and there are some doctrines of the catholic church that i dont agree or adhere, i can say that i am very prayerful. it really helps, and i am thankful that i always get an answered prayer.

you should only not have a motherly instinct but a nurturing spirit as well. though i was told to be one, i always try my best not to be a perfect mother but the best my children and my other children can have. to all of you, thank you for making my life an exciting and a fulfilling one. i love each and everyone of you.

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